Development of an adjustable sewer cover made of non-metallic material for roads and its tests using digital models
The aim of the development task was to develop a structural design of a vertically adjustable sewer cover with subsequent strength control – deformation-stress analysis and the inspection of the mounts of the base of the manhole cover into concrete hoops. The sewer cover had to be adjustable vertically in a range of ± 150 mm and, where possible, developed in a way that would enable its production fromrecycled materials. The client also requested that the production of the manhole cover is less energy-intensive than the current production of cast sewer covers. The hatch had to be able to bear a load of 20 tons acting evenly on the upper hatch of the system, and it also withstand the passage of a vehicle with an axle pressure of 16 tons at a speed of 70 km.h-1 It was also stipulated by the client that permanent deformations on the hatch must not occur under dynamic loads. The development task was carried out between January - May 2023, and was completed at TRL7 level having carried out all prototype tests on a digital prototype.
The development task was funded by the client and copyright owner hatos- design, spol. s r.o. by providing non-refundable financial contribution in the form of innovation vouchers from the NP ZIVSE program, contract number ZoIP_SK3_122_0127.