Development of a truck frame extension system with integrated rear protection device and towing device
The aim of the research task was to develop an extension of the basic frame of a truck equipped with a rear protective device and a tow bar. The task also included strength and homologation calculations according to the UNECE Regulations No. 55 and No. 58, as well as the delivery of protocols from the type tests carried out. The development task was carried out between June and July 2023 and was completed at TRL7 level having carried out all prototype tests on a digital prototype, including the necessary verification tests on real prototypes, as per the applicable regulations. This development task was funded by the client and copyright owner, COMPAAN, spol. s r.o., by providing non-refundable financial contribution in the form of innovation vouchers from the NP ZIVSE program, contract number ZoIP_SK3_122_0122.